Maria Rugenstein email, Since 2020, I am an assistant professor for climate dynamics at the
Department of Atmospheric Scienceat
Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I studied at ETH Zürich, completed my Master's research at Princeton University/GFDL, and dived into paleoclimate research for two years in Utrecht, before completing my PhD in Zürich with visits to Stanford University and the Carnegie Institute for Global Ecology and a PostDoc at MPI in Hamburg. I coordinated a model intercomparison of millennia long simulations of global coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models,
LongRunMIP, together with
Jonah Bloch-Johnson, and initiated the Green's Function Model Intercomparison, lead by Jonah. Check out
this US-clivar workshop on the pattern effect I chaired together with Cristi Proistosescu. My group is funded by NASA (NIP), NSF (CLD and P2C2), NOAA (MAPP), and DoE.
Yiyu Zheng, 4th year PhD student,
Leif Fredericks, 3rd year Master's student
Olivia Lee, 2nd year Master's student
Killian McSweeney, 2nd year Master's student
Aspen Morgan, 1st year Master's student
Senne Van Loon, PostDoc,
Tristan Rendfrey, PostDoc
Benjamin Johnson, PostDoc
Eva Holtanova, Fulbright visiting researcher,
Former group members: Shreya Dhame; Dhyey Solanki (now researcher at the Indian Institute of Technology); Marc Alessi (now lecturer at Cornell and PostDoc as the Union of Concerned Scientists); Dirk Olonscheck (now PostDoc at MPI); Kenneth Tam (now graduate student at Rutgers University)
Google scholar
Rugenstein, Van Loon, Barnes, 2025
Convolutional Neural Networks trained on internal variability predict forced response by learning the pattern effect,
GRL link
Dhame, Olonscheck, Rugenstein, 2025,
No robust improvement in biases of the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature mean state and trends in high resolution climate models,
J. climate
Davis, Thompson, Rugenstein, Birner, 2025
Links Between Internal Variability and Forced Climate Feedbacks: The Importance of Patterns of Temperature Variability and Change,
GRL link
Liu, Li, Li, Rugenstein, Thomas, 2024
Contrasting fast and slow intertropical convergence zone migrations linked to delayed Southern Ocean warming,
Nature Climate Change link
Alessi and Rugenstein, 2024
Potential Near-Term Wetting of the Southwestern United States if the Eastern and Central Pacific Cooling Trend Reverses,
GRL link
Olonscheck and Rugenstein, 2024
Coupled climate models systematically underestimate radiation response to surface forcing,
GRL link
Bloch-Johnson, Rugenstein, Alessi, and 10 others, 2024
The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol,
JAMES link
Rugenstein, Dhame, Olonscheck, Wills, Watanabe, Seager, 2023
Connecting the SST pattern problem and the hot model problem,
GRL link
Rugenstein, Zelinka, Karnauskas, Ceppi, Andrews, 2023
Patterns of Surface Warming Matter for Climate Sensitivity,
EOS link
Alessi and Rugenstein, 2023
Relevance of the pattern effect for near-future climate projections,
GRL link
Mitevski, Dong, Polvani, Rugenstein, Orbe, 2023:
Non-monotonic feedback dependence on CO2 due to North Atlantic pattern effect,
GRL link
Rugenstein and Hakuba, 2023:
Connecting Hemispheric Asymmetries of Planetary Albedo and Surface Temperature,
GRL link
Fredriksen, Smith, Modak, Rugenstein, 2023:
21st century scenario forcing increases more for CMIP6 than CMIP5 models,
GRL link
Bloch-Johnson, Rugenstein, Gregory, Cael, Andrews, 2022:
Climate impact assessments should not discount 'hot' models,
Nature link
Sanderson and Rugenstein, 2022:
Potential for bias in effective climate sensitivity from state-dependent energetic imbalance,
Earth System Dynamics link
Zheng, Rugenstein, Pieper, Beobide-Arsuaga, Baehr, 2022:
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictability in equilibrated warmer climates,
Earth System Dynamics link
Bonan, Thompson, Newsom, Sun, Rugenstein, 2022:
Transient and Equilibrium Responses of the Atlantic Overturning Circulation to Warming in Coupled Climate Models: The Role of Temperature and Salinity,
J. Climate link
Fredriksen, Rugenstein, Graversen, 2021:
Estimating forcing with a nonconstant feedback parameter and linear response,
JGR Atmospheres link
Rugenstein and Armour, 2021:
Three flavors of radiative feedbacks and their implications for estimating Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity,
GRL link pdf
Lu, He, Fuso, Rugenstein, 2021:
Mechanisms of Fast Walker Circulation Responses to CO2 Forcing,
GRL link pdf
King, and 9 others, 2021:
Transient and quasi-equilibrium climate states at 1.5C and 2C global warming,
Earth's Future link
Ricke, Ivanova, McKie, Rugenstein, 2021:
Reversing Sahelian Droughts,
GRL link pdf
Callahan, Chen, Rugenstein, Bloch-Johnson, Yang, Moyer, 2021:
Robust decrease in ENSO amplitude under long-term warming,
Nature Climate Change link
Schwarzwald, Poppick, Rugenstein, Bloch-Johnson, Wang, McInerney, Moyer, 2021:
Changes in Future Precipitation Mean and Variability across Scales,
J. Climate link
Bloch-Johnson, Rugenstein, Stolpe, Rohrschneider, Zheng, Gregory, 2020:
Climate Sensitivity Increases Under Higher CO2 Levels Due to Feedback Temperature Dependence,
GRL link
Sherwood, Webb and 22 others, 2020:
A combined assessment of Earth's climate sensitivity,
Rev. of Geophys. press coverage press coverage
Fiedler, and 24 others, 2020:
Simulated Tropical Precipitation Assessed Across Three Major Phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP),
MWR link
Olonscheck, Rugenstein, Marotzke, 2020:
Broad consistency between observed and simulated trends in sea surface temperature patterns,
GRL link pdf
Bloch-Johnson, Rugenstein, Abbot, 2020:
Spatial radiative feedbacks from internal variability using multiple regression,
J. Climate link pdf
Rugenstein, Bloch-Johnson, Gregory, and 13 others, 2020:
Equilibrium climate sensitivity estimated by equilibrating climate models,
GRL link pdf
Bellouin, Quaas, and 31 others, 2020:
Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate,
Rev. of Geophys. link pdf
Rugenstein, Bloch-Johnson, and 25 others, 2019:
LongRunMIP - motivation and design for a large collection of millennial-length GCM simulations,
BAMS link pdf
Praetorius, Rugenstein, Persad, Caldeira, 2018:
Global and Arctic climate sensitivity enhanced by changes in North Pacific heat flux,
Nature Comm. link pdf
Knutti, Rugenstein, Hegerl, 2017:
Beyond climate sensitivity,
Nature Geoscience link updated Figure
Rugenstein, Caldeira, Knutti, 2016:
Dependence of global radiative feedbacks on evolving patterns of surface heat fluxes,
GRL link pdf
He, Winton, Vecchi, Jia, Rugenstein, 2016:
Transient Climate Sensitivity Depends on Base Climate Ocean Circulation,
J. Climate link pdf
Rugenstein, Gregory, Schaller, Sedlacek, Knutti, 2016:
Multi-annual ocean-atmosphere adjustments to radiative forcing,
J. Climate link pdf
- Rugenstein, Sedlacek, Knutti, 2016: Nonlinearities in patterns of long term ocean warming, GRL link pdf
- Knutti and Rugenstein, 2015: Feedbacks, climate sensitivity and the limits of linear models, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A link pdf
- Rugenstein, Stocchi, von der Heydt, Dijkstra, Brinkhuis, 2014: Emplacement of Antarctic ice sheet mass affects circumpolar ocean flow, Global and Planetary Change link pdf
- Rugenstein, Winton, Stouffer, Griffies, Hallberg, 2013: Northern high latitude heat budget decomposition and transient warming, J. Climate link pdf
Manuscripts in review or revision
Joensson, Rugenstein, Bender, McCoy, Eidhammer
A recipe for simulating the observed interhemispheric albedo symmetry and constraining cloud radiative feedbacks
Thompson, Rugenstein, Forster, Fredericks
Observed Relationships Between the Global Mean Radiative Flux and Regional Temperatures: The Preeminence of the Southeast Tropical Pacific
Van Loon, Rugenstein, and Barnes
Observation-based estimate of Earth's radiative forcing link
Van Loon, Rugenstein, and Barnes
Reanalysis-based Global Radiative Response to Sea Surface Temperature Patterns: Evaluating the Ai2 Climate Emulator link
Zheng, Rugenstein, and Alessi Connecting delayed warming in the Southern Ocean and East Pacific